Because Montreal now has snow everywhere, here’s another snowy shot; this time it’s a cat.
Yesterday I was dog walking Zeusy, and a cat spotted this 7 pound terror. Zeus started barking insanely but the cat barely moved. (That’s one of the things I love about cats btw. Unlike dogs that waste their energy willy-nilly, cats will only ‘waste’ energy if they have to). All the cat did was get up from where is was resting, locked focus on the dog, and raised it’s hackles (back fur) which made its body bigger. Basically the cat was saying, “you want a piece of ‚this, come and get it, but I ain’t moving!”
And that’s what drew me to the shot. It’s the cat’s gesture that helps suggest a story.

Cat with Raised Hackles
I should also mention that after we took the shot and moved on the cat sat right back down to rest in the snow.
Whew! Glad you didn’t get any closer, I think you’d be patching up some claw marks in Zeus!
Nicely taken!