Today’s image of the day is called Stairs of Montmartre, Paris by the late master Hungarian photographer Andre Kertesz, and it was shot in 1925. Kertesz is one of my all time favorite photographers and more of his work will surely be featured in the future.

Stairs of Montmartre, Paris — 1925 by Andre Kertesz
What makes this, and tons of other Kertesz images fantastic is the precise and deliberate composition. Kertesz was simply a master at guiding your eye to interesting places in the photograph. The shapes of the shadows and the position of the railings are both delightful to look at and they guide your eye perfectly toward the humans in the photo.
Kertesz was also keenly aware of all planes of focus in an image and how they work together. The connection between the foreground, midground and the background elements of this image helps to suggest a story as well as make the image graphically striking.