Sneak peek invitation — New personal work by Marko Kulik

Hi every­one!

I’m Marko, the owner admin of the web­site. Nor­mally when I post from the blog it is to pub­lish a pod­cast, an image of the month or to fea­ture pho­tographs from dif­fer­ent pho­tog­ra­phers. This post though is to invite you to see some new work that I have pub­lished on a new per­sonal site called

One of the rea­sons I started this new site is because I feel this web­site is devoted to the pho­tog­ra­phy com­mu­nity at large and not my own per­sonal work. But I have been shoot­ing A LOT of per­sonal work lately and wanted to fea­ture the work in 1 place. In par­tic­u­lar, I have been pho­tograph­ing cities at night using inten­tional cam­era move­ment and long expo­sures. You can see those images in the new gallery called Impres­sion­is­tic Cities at Night. This is an ongo­ing project, and I will talk about and post new pho­tos to that gallery reg­u­larly. I also intend to upload and talk about older work.

Although I almost never ask for favors.….I have a favor to ask if you enjoy my work. Please go to any page on and enter your email address at the top of any page to sub­scribe to updates. These updates will talk mainly about the work being pro­duced and I will never sell, trade, share or pimp out your per­sonal infor­ma­tion in any way. You can can­cel at any­time. Thanks so much in advance and here is a peek at the open­ing image on the site. Thanks again, Sin­cerely — Marko Kulik

Carré Jacques Cartier - Montréal by Marko Kulik

Carré Jacques Cartier — Mon­tréal by Marko Kulik


Photography forum image of the month — January 2012

Every month on our pho­tog­ra­phy forum mem­bers nom­i­nate images that they like. Then at the end of the month I choose an excel­lent image and talk about why it rocks. The photo I choose is not nec­es­sar­ily the best one of the month. I’ve come to real­ize it’s not really log­i­cal to pit images from totally dif­fer­ent gen­res against each other. That’s why there are cat­e­gories in photo con­tests. I just choose a photo that has extremely strong ele­ments that we can learn from.

And miles to go before I sleep... And miles to go before I sleep by jumpinjimmyjava

And miles to go before I sleep… And miles to go before I sleep by jumpinjimmyjava


This month’s choice is (Click to see the larger ver­sion of this image) And miles to go before I sleep… And miles to go before I sleep by jumpinjimmyjava

I chose this image for sev­eral reasons:

1 — It tells or sug­gests a strong story & Com­po­si­tion — The title of the image is a well known phrase from a poem that many of us stud­ied in High School (Stop­ping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert frost). Just read­ing the title helps to sup­port this image and veers our inter­pre­ta­tion of it in a cer­tain direc­tion both with visual and the­matic ele­ments. I love the posi­tion of the man in this image. It’s close to the edge but not quite at the edge. This adds ten­sion to the image and helps sup­port the theme that “there’s still work to be done”, it’s not over just yet) .The win­try scene also sup­ports the theme of a per­son in their sun­set years but the image is bright, not dark, again sup­port­ing a the­matic element.

I like the lay­ered aspect of the image where the bot­tom of the image is darker than the rest. The mid­dle part of the image shows lines mov­ing from right to left. The top part of the image shows more sky and is dis­tinct from the other 2 parts of the image. These ‘divi­sions’ or lay­ers as I like to call them add visual inter­est to the image. Our eyes like them.

2 — Colour — The sub­tle colour palette in this image works very well for me, the colours are very har­mo­nious. For me they are calm, well cho­sen colours. The blue of the jacket stands out really well against the white and brings our full atten­tion to the focal point of the image. In addi­tion, the blue of the jacket is com­pli­mented by other sub­tle blue tones in the image, again help­ing to cre­ate the over­all visual harmony.

3 — Post pro­cess­ing — This image is a com­pos­ite of sev­eral images or tex­tures. I don’t know exactly how many but I’d say at least 3 (the snow flakes, the man, the win­try land­scape). Either way the blend­ing of the images is well done to my eye and each part of the image com­pli­ments the other parts.

And the whole image, is greater than the sum of its parts.

For all these rea­sons, this is my choice for image of the month. Since we all have opin­ions, some mem­bers may dis­agree with my choice. That’s cool but THIS thread is not the place for debate over my pick, NOR is it the place to fur­ther cri­tique the image. The pur­pose here is to sug­gest strong ele­ments in the photo that we may learn from.

Con­grats again jump­in­jim­my­java for cre­at­ing this won­der­ful themed image!

104 — Backing up images like a pro versus a bonehead

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #104 dis­cusses strate­gies for back­ing up your images. One of my exter­nal hard dri­ves that held tens of thou­sands of images failed recently. Even though I had a dupli­cate of the images on another drive, the dupli­cates were poorly arranged. This got me think­ing about bet­ter and safer backup strate­gies. I’d DEFINITELY appre­ci­ate hear­ing about YOUR backup strategies.

Links /resources men­tioned in this pod­cast:
Ama­zon S3 ser­vices calculator

“Trans­porta­tion” is our reg­u­lar forum assign­ment for Feb­ru­ary
– Inten­tional Over­ex­po­sure is our level 2 assign­ment for February

If you liked this pod­cast and want to review it on Itunes, this link gets you to the main page

If you are inter­ested in writ­ing for our blog please con­tact me (   A   T  ) G m ail  Dot co m (using stan­dard email formatting)

Please join the fan page on Facebook

My Face­book pro­file — Feel free to “friend” me — please just men­tion
My Twit­ter page — I will fol­low you if you fol­low me — Let’s con­nect — PLEASE email me and tell me who you are in case I don’t rec­i­p­ro­cate because I think you are a spammer.

If you are still lurk­ing on our forum,
feel free to join our friendly :)  Pho­tog­ra­phy forum

Thanks to skcazador, amber, cartman75 and Glenn Igua­nasan Euloth who posted  blog com­ments about our last pod­cast. Thanks as always to every­one that sent com­ments by email about our last pod­cast. Although ALL com­ments are appre­ci­ated, com­ment­ing directly in this blog is pre­ferred. Thanks as well to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board. Most of the links to actual the prod­ucts are affil­i­ate links that help sup­port this site. Thanks in advance if you pur­chase through those links.

If you are look­ing at this mate­r­ial on any other site except — Please hop on over to the blog and pod­cast and get this and other pho­tog­ra­phy info directly from the source. |Sub­scribe with iTunes|Sub­scribe via RSS feed |Sub­scribe with Google Reader|Sub­scribe for free to the Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast — and get all the posts/podcasts by Email
You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.

Thanks for lis­ten­ing and keep on shooting!