Portraits from the Plateau — Sylvain Grand’Maison

I took this shot for fel­low friend, art direc­tor and pod­caster Syl­vain Grand’Maison about a month ago. Syl­vain pro­duces an extremely suc­cess­ful French pod­cast here in Que­bec that fea­tures great pod­safe music,‚ great artists and does it all while drink­ing great beer and talk­ing about social media and podcasting.

Syl­vain needed some pho­tog­ra­phy done so we got together for a few hours and clicked the shut­ter. He specif­i­cally had a con­cept in mind and we focused mainly on his con­cept (can’t talk about it yet). After the shoot though, we also took some casual shots and many of them came out quite nice includ­ing this one.

Sylvain GrandMaison

Syl­vain Grand’Maison

Sylvain’s blond hair and eyes came out really well against this black back­ground and both he and I really dig this shot. In terms of light­ing, I used a Quan­tum flash in an umbrella at 45 degrees and a reflec­tor on the oppo­site site. I did a bit of soft­en­ing on his body and added some glow to his hair in post so that his face is the most strik­ing ele­ment in the shot. Exif data is 1/80 at F-7.0 ISO 400 at 75mm.

Portraits from the Plateau — Sylvain Grand’Maison

I took this shot for fel­low friend, art direc­tor and pod­caster Syl­vain Grand’Maison about a month ago. Syl­vain pro­duces an extremely suc­cess­ful French pod­cast here in Que­bec that fea­tures great pod­safe music,  great artists and does it all while drink­ing great beer and talk­ing about social media and podcasting.

Syl­vain needed some pho­tog­ra­phy done so we got together for a few hours and clicked the shut­ter. He specif­i­cally had a con­cept in mind and we focused mainly on his con­cept (can’t talk about it yet). After the shoot though, we also took some casual shots and many of them came out quite nice includ­ing this one.

Sylvain GrandMaison

Syl­vain Grand’Maison

Sylvain’s blond hair and eyes came out really well against this black back­ground and both he and I really dig this shot. In terms of light­ing, I used a Quan­tum flash in an umbrella at 45 degrees and a reflec­tor on the oppo­site site. I did a bit of soft­en­ing on his body and added some glow to his hair in post so that his face is the most strik­ing ele­ment in the shot. Exif data is 1/80 at F-7.0 ISO 400 at 75mm.

60 — Panning and the Weston Portrait — Interview with Laszlo of Montreal

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #60 fea­tures an inter­view with pho­tog­ra­pher Las­zlo of Mon­treal. In this inter­view, Las­zlo decon­structs a por­trait of Loblaws owner Galen Weston so that we may learn from it. In the inter­view he describes the var­i­ous tech­niques used to cre­ate this image includ­ing pan­ning, bal­anc­ing the flash and the ambi­ent light as well as his choice of shut­ter speed and envi­ron­ment for this image.

Galen Weston by Laszlo

Galen Weston by Las­zlo — Click to enlarge

Links men­tioned in this pod­cast:
Laszlo’s web­site
Laszlo’s Paul Anka por­trait
HDR Pod­cast #59

Assign­ments on the bul­letin board:
Jan­u­ary 2009 photo assign­ment — Warm and Cozy

Thanks as always to‚ Steven K,‚ Susan, Michael Van der Tol, landon9720, Yise­haq, Frank and Gary H who posted a blog com­ment about our last pod­cast and to all the new mem­bers of the bul­letin board.

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You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.