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family picnic

This is a discussion on family picnic within the Critiques forums, part of the Photography & Fine art photography category; my family got together for a picnic, this is two of my more favorite shots, please crit the colour and ...

  1. #1
    merman is offline Member
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    May 2008

    Default family picnic

    my family got together for a picnic, this is two of my more favorite shots, please crit the colour and b/w and let me know wich you like better (for the first shot)

    i know there are blown out sections in the grass, i am trying to remidy that, but really have no idea how ( i use gimp if anyone has tips)

    these were shot with 100 asa film, 1/60th cant remember what ap i really need to start writing this stuff down
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  2. #2
    tirediron is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2008


    I have to say that of the two, I prefer the colour images. The monochrome just flat out has too much grey (and with the red shirts that's a neat trick). As far as repairing the blown areas, not much you can do. Blowin is blowin is gone, as in: Not there. You might be able to clone some grass from another area, but I suspect the results wouldn't be worth the effort.

  3. #3
    merman is offline Member
    Join Date
    May 2008


    thanks for the input! ive been playing around with the saturation on some other photos and it seems if i take some yellow out the blown grass seems to come out a little nicer, ill give that a try!

    i have been having trouble converting pictures to b/W they always seem flat, any tips for giving a little depth to it ( i have just been desaturating the shots, playing with the contrast and adding grain, o how i love b/w grain ,lol)


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