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Getting my life back on track!

This is a discussion on Getting my life back on track! within the Off topic forum forums, part of the General category; Lol, I got the satire but thought Marko had as well....

  1. #11
    JAS_Photo's Avatar
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    Lol, I got the satire but thought Marko had as well.

  2. #12
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    I was torn between 'Wow good on him ... glad life's going well for someone who has put in the effort' and then wanting to fly over and give you a good slap Michael and see if the real world still existed in there. I decided on simply providing another perspective.
    I should have embellished mine and added I'd lost both legs, and was living in a cardboard box with terminal cancer slowing killing me. Unfortunately I didn't see the joke and thought you were serious, drunk maybe, but serious.

  3. #13
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    Sorry MA...The whole idea was poorly conceived on my part:(

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaw View Post
    Sorry MA...The whole idea was poorly conceived on my part:(
    Your sense of humour was just a little advanced for us literal thinkers me thinks

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    I was going for the "Shock and Awe" method that Shrub used when he was president! It was just about as effective Truth be told, I just delivered my second large production of the year on the fourth. In order to complete said production, I had to take my name off the freelance roster. All the work I should have been booked for has been parceled out to others resulting in no work for me next week:(. save a pre production meeting for a show in January, I'm flatlined till the following week! With a major slowdown over the Xmas season, this does not bode well for my bank account. Hopefully being this close to the start of the Olympics here, the Xmas slowdown will be just a moderate thrust reduction I live entirely in the "I owe, I owe it's off to work I go" mode!

  6. #16
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    What exactly do you do Michael?

    My wife and I have our Web Design company which she basically runs while I go out and get the bread and butter from my other skills ... carpentry related work. Office Fitouts mostly, but next week it's with a company that makes sets for television game shows, Casino's etc. We are currently building the Christmas decorations for the Brisbane Mall and hopefully, seeing as I know the work factory manager and ride bikes with him, I'll get more work from them while my usual work is so slow.

    In the past I worked 12 years in retail and managed a store for a couple of years near the end of that era. Back then, my wife and I had our own Graphics Design business also which morphed into the Web Design over time.

    I've also had various other jobs in my history like working for Burger King, Retreading Tyres, Plastering (drywalling) which I still do some of at times, and Exporting Live Eels to Hong Kong.

    That's the working me in a nutshell I guess.

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    I'm a freelance Audiovisual technician. Think of it as a corporate roadie We build large shows in Hotel ballrooms and convention centers. Screens, Flown projectors, lighting systems for the stage ares, Sound systems, video and data are all part of these events. I don't so much build the shows these days, I show up when they're all put together, sit my but behind the Audio boards, video/data switchers, lighting consoles etc. and push buttons, slide faders and make sure the right signal is sent to the screens at the right time and all the audio sounds good Nerve racking work on the high end shows I also build shows meaning I design the look, capture the images/ video, record the voice over material and mix the sound and when It's complete, I head down to the Ballroom/ theater, load it all into the system and push the buttons to make it go Much like you, when the biz slows down predictably in August to mid September, I put on another hat and paint houses for my buddy's company for six weeks or so. Before that, moons ago I was a cook for the Canadian National Railroad, Denny's etc. That was in my no roots days, I could drift anywhere and someone would always need a line cook or short order cook. That wasn't such a bad life, work, pay rent, drink beer, get bored and move on...I was a cooking hobo!

  8. #18
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    Cool ... it's interesting to hear what you do exactly. Very technical work.

    Maybe we'll entice a few others to tell us more about them

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    I was kinda wondering how much you were getting for your next contract with all that... I assume you do own a Focus though, as mentioned. If you're looking for advice about it, check out I'm a member on there, as I own a focus as well, slightly modified. If you're looking for anything for it from simple maintenance advice to giving it some suck or blow (turbo or supercharger) that's the loca forum to check out. Hit me a PM if you have any needs about it to. I've had mine since 01 right off the showroom floor. She's going through some semi major changes this winter hopefully, as long as work goes as planned... I just want to win the damn lottery.

    Interesting work Michael. I have a feeling, if you've been in Vancouver long that we may have crossed paths. I did some work at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and the Ford Centre a number of years ago and have sat in on some recording sessions in a couple local studios out here in the valley recently. Chad Kroeger of Nickelback has a studio at his house and I recently sat in on a session there and did some work for an afternoon as a DJ for a session they were doing.

    Since the comment was made about other people saying what they do. I've worked in the industrial parts industry, everything you can imagine to specific areas of expertise to do with heavy equipment, cranes, snow removal equipmetn etc. for the past 7 yrs. alongside of that I've DJ'd on and off since I was 15 (18 yrs ago) and for a 3.8 yrs stint I worked as a chef. I'm just shy of having my Red Seal as a chef and since being a victim of the economy last May, I am in the process of helping a friend open up a new restaurant and will be doing a few months in solitary confinement, I mean, the kitchen, there for him to help it get up and running.

    I'm actually in what my mom called the other day, my first midlife crisis. I was really sick of the job I was doing, wasn't passionate about it at all and was ready to quit and move on when I got laid off. Now I'm trying to figure out what I want to do. I've taken some time off from DJ'ing except for an occasional gig.

    I've thought about being a professional hitman for the local gangs that seem to have a problem hitting the broad side of a barn with a sniper scope from 20 ft away...

    If I went on a major diet, I could maybe be a stripper... meh, I have standards, they may be pretty low at times but they are standards...
    Last edited by Xenos; 11-07-2009 at 06:01 AM.
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenos View Post
    I'm actually in what my mom called the other day, my first midlife crisis. I was really sick of the job I was doing, wasn't passionate about it at all and was ready to quit and move on when I got laid off.
    I know that feeling. I'm right in the middle of it now.
    I am a professional Chef with the Red Seal who lost the passion for it. Just over a year ago I got hit in the head literally (fairly significant concussion that still affects my vision to this day) and while on medical leave, I realized how burned out and tired I was working in the industry...I just couldn't do it anymore.
    So I decided while on my time off to figure out what else I wanted to do with the latter half of my working life. I used to work with special needs children and it always seemed like unfinished business so I applied, got accepted and am now in school studying to be an Occupational Therapist Asistant. I love learning again, and I am sitting prettywith a straight A+ average so far. I just did my first placement last week working in Neurology Rehabilitation Unit at a local hospital and I loved it! Some of the best experiences in my life happened last week and I know that this is what I am supposed to be doing.
    Funny how things happen's funny for me, the events of last year has exactly fallen into place how they were supposed to although I didn't realize it until I look back.
    I guess sometimes everything really does happen for a reason!

    Money yes is incredibly tight right now, but it's a means to an end and I think in order to get something sometimes you have to give something up. For me that was steady cash flow, a partner, and a dog. But I have a bunch of new goals I've set for myself to accomplish within the nest 2 years so i am completely focused on that.
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