Clamps, stands, arms and adapters — Photography podcast #35

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #35 is all about using sim­ple acces­sories to make your photo shoots go smoother. In par­tic­u­lar, we dis­cuss clamps, magic arms, flash adapters and light stands. All of the acces­sories can be used in mul­ti­ple ways mak­ing them extremely ver­sa­tile in a vari­ety of shoot­ing situations.

Manfrotto superclamp 035
Man­frotto Super­clamp #035

Manfrotto spring clamp 175F
Man­frotto spring clamp #175 with threaded adapter (088)

Manfrotto spring clamp with flash mount
Man­frotto spring clamp‚#175F with flash mount

Manfrotto magic arm 237HD
Man­frotto flex­i­ble magic arm #237 HD

Opus umbrella mount OPL-SW0316
Opus umbrella mount OPL-SW0316

Opus umbrella mount on manfrotto master stand 004
Opus umbrella mount on man­frotto mas­ter stand #004

Superclamp 035 attached to magic arm attached to springclamp 175
Super­clamp with arm attached to spring clamp

master light stand 004 with arm and superclamp holding a reflector
Extendible arm on man­frotto mas­ter stand #004
attached to super­clamp hold­ing a 32.5 inch reflector

Pur­chas­ing these items through these links helps sup­port this site:

Man­frotto super clamp at B&H
Man­frotto super clamp at Amazon

Man­frotto spring clamp with flash shoe at B&H
Man­frotto spring clamp with flash shoe at Amazon

Manfrotto‚flexible arm‚at B&H
Man­frotto flex­i­ble arm at Amazon

Manfrotto‚master light stand‚at B&H
Man­frotto mas­ter light stand at Amazon

Photoflex (sim­i­lar to‚Opus) umbrella flash mount‚at B&H
Photoflex (sim­i­lar to Opus) umbrella flash mount at Amazon

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below this set of images.

Photo of the week
This week, the pho­to­graph is by Arkady Renko and I com­ment in the pod­cast on why I think this pho­to­graph is fantastic.

Arkady Renko - Stranger

Thanks as always for the com­ments by‚Samirah,‚ Carl­son Chu and Yves Janse. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more. Spe­cial thanks to Nico Pin who has helped make this blog more user friendly and look funkier.


  1. Robert Milberg says:

    I have what appear to be four Man­frotto Super­clamp #035 clamps. Although they do not have the Man­frotto logo, they were made in Italy. They look IDENTICAL to the ones on this pod­cast. Any idea of their worth as I am about to put them on ebay?

  2. admin says:

    So far I’ve only used the Plamp to hold a mini reflec­tor (a col­lapsi­ble one by Laslite that is 13 inches in diam­e­ter when expanded and weighs 65 grams or 2.3 ounces) and it works very well. The Plamp is good but it is mostly plas­tic so it will move some­what in a breeze. I’ll talk a bit more about it in the macro podcast.

  3. Yves Janse says:

    Ah really? I always won­dered if a Plamp actu­ally works. Because if there is a breeze, and you use it to hold a branch, then the leaves of the branch will still move. And how do you pre­vent the plamp from show­ing up in the picture?

  4. admin says:

    Hey thanks for that com­pli­ment and that image Mikael!
    It will be great for those do it yourselfers!

    and Yves — I actu­ally HAVE a Plamp…but I couldn’t find it for this pod­cast LOL.

    maybe i’ll talk about it for an upcom­ing macro pod­cast (wink)


  5. Mikael says:

    Great pod­cast! Thanks for shar­ing your expe­ri­ence and ideas. The inspired me to do some of this equip­ment myself. For exam­ple, the Man­frotto spring clamp #175F with flash mount could eas­ily (!) be done on your own by vis­it­ing your local hard­ware store (e.g. Home Depot here in the US. The cost for my ver­sion (see links below) is $1.50.

    Keep up the good work with the pod­cast and good luck with your new years resolutions.

  6. Yves Janse says:

    Hello Marko, thanks for the pod­cast! You have got some good picks there. One that might fit the bill as well is the Plamp, I am not sure if you are famil­iar with it. The Wim­ber­ley Plamp is a con­trac­tion of “Plant Clamp” and this is a short descrip­tive quote:

    The Plamp is an artic­u­lated arm designed to hold macro sub­jects motion­less when tight, accu­rate focus is extremely crit­i­cal. Sim­ply attach the larger spring clamp onto a leg of your tri­pod and the smaller green clamp grasps the object to hold it steady.

    I haven’t used one myself yet, as I am still sav­ing for a macro lens, but I think I will get one someday!


  1. […] men­tioned in this pod­cast: The eyes have it thread from the pho­tog­ra­phy forum Acces­sories pod­cast (check image of stand hold­ing reflec­tor) A dodg­ing tech­nique for the eyes described in para­graph 2 of the post Gary Fong dif­fuser Podcamp […]

  2. […] Pho­tog­ra­phy links men­tioned in this pod­cast: Acces­sories that you can use to hold reflec­tors etc. — pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast 35 […]

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