Program modes — A ‘Mad’ Moment by Mad Aussie

Hello fans, mem­bers and lurk­ers.
Our forums here are a very con­struc­tive way to help move your pho­tog­ra­phy for­ward in a pos­i­tive man­ner and within the forums, blog entries and pod­casts, you can find a vari­ety of means to suit you and your cur­rent level of pho­tog­ra­phy skill and interest.

A cool exam­ple of this, and my ‘moment’ for today is a thread in the forums which asks a ques­tion and the rea­son for why one answered as they did.

The ques­tion is ‘What Mode Do You Use?’

Many pho­tog­ra­phers ignore many of the options avail­able to them and many of us are unaware of how some of these modes can ben­e­fit us in spe­cific ways. Learn­ing what modes peo­ple are using on their cam­eras and for what sit­u­a­tions they employ these modes goes a long way to help­ing us under­stand­ing how we can ben­e­fit also.

To visit the thread of my ‘moment’ fol­low me HERE

Mad Aussie — blog con­trib­u­tor & forum mem­ber


  1. Susan says:

    I pre­fer man­ual and Tv as well — but Av is prob­a­bly my favorite. I like the shal­low dof that it offers.

  2. I stick to man­ual 99% of the time. 1% of the time, I go with Tv. The rest, I never use.

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