Hello Photography.ca fans, members and lurkers.
Our forums here are a very constructive way to help move your photography forward in a positive manner and within the forums, blog entries and podcasts, you can find a variety of means to suit you and your current level of photography skill and interest.
A cool example of this, and my ‘moment’ for today is a thread in the forums which asks a question and the reason for why one answered as they did.
The question is ‘What Mode Do You Use?’
Many photographers ignore many of the options available to them and many of us are unaware of how some of these modes can benefit us in specific ways. Learning what modes people are using on their cameras and for what situations they employ these modes goes a long way to helping us understanding how we can benefit also.
To visit the thread of my ‘moment’ follow me HERE
Mad Aussie — Photography.ca blog contributor & forum member