Photo of the day (most days)

As many of you know I spend far too much time in front of the com­puter.‚ Being the admin on and is a great job and even though I do take pic­tures reg­u­larly, I often go many days with­out shoot­ing and this just has to change.

Three weeks ago I went on a photo tour in the Rock­ies with Dar­win Wiggett who has been inter­viewed on our pod­cast a few times already. Man, that Dar­win Wiggett is inspi­ra­tional and I came back on a photo high. Dar­win has been shoot­ing an image a day for well over a year I believe, and he calls it his daily snap. Here is Darwin’s daily snap for today Decem­ber 3rd 2010.

Although I am envi­ous of Darwin’s pas­sion and com­mit­ment, I know myself pretty well. I’ll try hard to post images that are shot by me and oth­ers, or post vin­tage pho­tog­ra­phy that I dig. I’ll even write a few lines about what intrigues me about the images. I should be able to do this sev­eral times a week each week — but not every sin­gle day. Any­way, effec­tive imme­di­ately and thanks again Dar­win for your addi­tional inspi­ra­tion, I’ll start post­ing pho­tos of the day as often as I can.

Here’s an image I shot just yes­ter­day a few meters from my home. The day was very over­cast and windy and pud­dles reflect­ing the city were every­where. The wind caused rip­ples in the water and gave it a painterly feel which caught my eye imme­di­ately. Because the scene already had very lit­tle colour I thought it best to con­vert it to BW using Sil­ver efex pro. Although the shot does feel a bit ‘dark’ to my eye, it did rep­re­sent the mood of the day and the chang­ing sea­sons. Please feel free to cri­tique or com­ment on any aspect of this image.

Puddle Reflection by Marko Kulik

Pud­dle Reflec­tion by Marko Kulik

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