Photographers don’t give your rights away — Photography podcast #42

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #42 is based on a post by our pho­tog­ra­phy forum mem­ber tegan, called Photo Con­tests: Pho­tog­ra­phers LOSE. This short pod­cast expands on that post and dis­cusses how pho­tog­ra­phers need to be aware of the rights that they are giv­ing away by join­ing photo con­tests, forums, social net­work­ing sites like Face­book etc.

Pho­tog­ra­phy links men­tioned in this pod­cast:
Mil­lion places on Earth — terms and con­di­tions
Face­book — terms of service

Thanks as always to photodog, deb­bie T and sorena for recent com­ments and sug­ges­tions. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.

Photographers don’t give your rights away — Photography podcast #42

Pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast #42 is based on a post by our‚pho­tog­ra­phy forum‚mem­ber tegan, called Photo Con­tests: Pho­tog­ra­phers LOSE. This short pod­cast expands on that post and dis­cusses how pho­tog­ra­phers need to be aware of the rights that they are giv­ing away by join­ing photo con­tests, forums, social net­work­ing sites like Face­book etc.

Pho­tog­ra­phy links men­tioned in this pod­cast:
Mil­lion places on Earth — terms and con­di­tions
Face­book — terms of service

Thanks as always to photodog, deb­bie T and sorena for‚recent com­ments and sug­ges­tions. We LOVE com­ments and sug­ges­tions so please send more.

You can down­load this pho­tog­ra­phy pod­cast directly by click­ing the pre­ced­ing link or lis­ten to it almost imme­di­ately with the embed­ded player below.