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Post Processing Sharpening - the Mad way!

This is a discussion on Post Processing Sharpening - the Mad way! within the Photoshop - graphics programs - pluggins - for photography forums, part of the Education & Technical category; Great tutorial MA!!! page two of this thread felt like i was reading Swahili. i cannot wait for all of ...

  1. #21
    tomorrowstreasures is offline Senior Member
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    Great tutorial MA!!!

    page two of this thread felt like i was reading Swahili. i cannot wait for all of this math stuff to make sense to my brain. exposure, exposure, exposure.

  2. #22
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Ahsante Sana TT (thank you in Swahili)
    Glad you liked it.

  3. #23
    Mad Aussie's Avatar
    Mad Aussie is offline Moderator
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    I think the correct viewing distance is twice the length of the longest side of the photo? From memory anyhow. And that of course was only ever a general rule of thumb.

    Basically our little cameras of around 10mp or so can take a useful photo for a billboard that's several meters long and high. But if we stood right next to it the photo is going to look like crap in a big way. But view it from the highway or whatever at many meters back and it can look perfectly for a billboard. My brother had several of his shots used for billboards and his camera is a 6mp Canon D60.

    At 10mp, it is said that a photo of around 8x10, 8x12 ish (it's worked out on the resolution of the camera) would be the largest in 'true photo quality' which in rough terms means there would be no degeneration due to blowing the photo up to this size. Above that and some quality loss is evident and viewing from further back becomes necessary. That's roughly the theory anyhow.

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